curator | writer | artist

Dwelling in Between Here and Some Other Place


There is often a place, that is in the middle of two or more other places, which we inhabit. This catalogue was birthed from a accumulation of personal investigation into a state of being I had often considered as existing in an Inbetween.

Being in two spaces, in neither one, but at the same time in both.

It is often difficult to articulate where and what that is. And even harder to explain it to those who do not understand this type of positionality, but as a migrant, it is a feeling that was always innate within me. (However, I think it should be important to note, that this is not limited to the geographically displaced.) It is arduous to describe what it feels like to belong here as well as there, and harder still to articulate that you are in fact, neither here nor there anyway, but actually in both.

This project arose from the desire to understand this place, this type of being and existing. Of navigating one’s nationality, of reconciling it into something comprehensible, but even harder, into something that can be voiced to those who have never had to do the same […]