The Art of Consumption
Dear friend,
Like you, I am sure, I have spent much time in galleries, and perhaps like you, I have also grown increasingly tired of many of them. That cold white cube, the hopeless and relentless pursuit to destroy it, in hopes that something much more will take its place.
I think it is indeed time for something new to take its place, though I am not proposing that this is what that is. But I would like to extend an invitation to you all the same, to join me in breaking out of our goddamn ocular dependency into something much more, and hopefully much other. I would like to invite you into a space that offers itself up as a playground to the ears, to the freedom of your fingertips grazing over the walls, to the memories invoked by smell. I would like to invite you to taste the soul and the art of another artist, to discover again what it means to meet with, speak with, engage with and learn from all of those other bodies floating in space, who like you, are also just trying to look at that art in the gallery.
I do not know if this place aids in that relentless pursuit to destroy the cube, but I would like to think it tries. Not as some new-age neo-contemporary post-digital post-truth manifesto of a movement, but perhaps just as a simple invitation from one friend to another, in hopes that we may find something other here. In a “safe space”3, a space to “break the rules”2
“to be with one another”4
“…learn from one another”
and maybe even “find peace in.”1
I do hope you enjoy yourself. Use your curiosities first and your eyes last.
Your friend,
Intermission Gallery
Opening night: October 22nd 5pm - 8pm
October 23rd - 25th 2019
Artists: Natasha Brennfleck, Dinah Hollander, Mietta Stoeckli, Jessica Tanto